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HGGS Masterclass Academic Freedom

Prof. Dr. Thomas Meier

Käte Hamburger Center for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies (CAPAS)

In times of globally growing pressure on universities the principle of academic freedom is fiercely debated within and outside academia. What does it mean? What is covered? What is not? Is it an institutional or a personal right? Where are its limits? What are the threats?

Surprisingly few academics have well-informed knowledge what academic freedom is and what it is not. Debates and actions are often driven by emotions and subjective feelings about a “proper university“ instead of proper knowledge.

In this course we will

  1. discuss the principle of academic freedom – its legal status and its formal applicability
  2. learn to discern academic freedom from other civil liberties (e.g. open speech, freedom of opinion)
  3. understand the complexity of taking action in the face of violations to academic freedom
  4. sharpen our awareness for threats to academic freedom in our own societies.

The course and discussions will be in English.

We expect engagement and interest – no marks will be given!

The date of the course is Friday, July 12th, 10 am (ct) – 6 pm.

 Verfügungsraum "Orgel", 3rd Floor, Neue Universität 

Universitätsplatz, Grabengasse 3-5, Heidelberg.

For any queries please contact 

As the issue of academic freedom is politically sensible in several countries this course is strictly confidential: No registration and no names will be required, the course is strictly in person (no hybrid and no online participation), no list of participants will be checked or provided and no recording will be allowed.