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HGGS Masterclass Beyond Numbers: Qualitative Methodology as an Art for Understanding and Transformation

Prof. Yaima Blanco García, PhD

University of Havana, Cuba

Wednesday, 26 June 2024: 10 am – 4 pm

Hörsaal 02, Neue Universität, Universitätsplatz*

Lecture & Workshop

Qualitative methodological perspectives arise from the need to approach a reality "from the inside", which provides different visions and perspectives of this reality. Thus, a distinction is made between research that prioritises the description and understanding of the actions and interrelationships within the context and research that aims at social transformation and the emancipation of the individual.

From the contributions of several experts in this field, it can be deduced that the methodological diversity of qualitative research presents similarities in terms of the way of understanding and defining reality (ontological level), the way of approaching reality and initiating its study (epistemological level) and in the techniques used to collect evidence and analysis techniques (methodological and technical level).

The class emphasise that qualitative research understands reality holistically. That is, observing the context in its natural form and attending to its different angles and perspectives. This requires the use of different techniques: interactive, flexible and open, which make it possible to capture reality with all the dimensions that complete it. It is also worth highlighting the relevant role not only of the participants in the study, but also that of the researcher her-/himself.

The study of this set of phenomena is carried out using various research methods, such as grounded theory, ethnomethodology, the narrative-biographical method, ethnography, case studies, etc. The different phases for designing and carrying out the process will also be explored in depth. Emphasis is placed on the criteria of rigour for reliable studies. 

The use of case studies will allow the socialisation of good practices and the gathering of evidence of results obtained in previous research. From the qualitative perspective, critical theory is highlighted, which allows overcoming hegemonic models from where and for what purpose science is constructed. 

The importance of mixed research is also shared as a brushstroke, as it is in the quanti-qualitative combination that it is possible to go deeper into the different objectives according to the aims of each research project.

Masterclass Objectives

⍟ To raise awareness of the use of qualitative methodology as a means for understanding and transformation.

⍟ To identify different research modalities from this paradigm.

⍟ To develop a deeper understanding of research methods, their design and the criteria of rigour.

⍟ To appraise some practical examples, with a mixed research outlook.

Brief References and About Prof. Yaima Blanco García, PhD.

Bisquerra Alzina, Rafael. (2009). Metodología de la investigación. Editorial Muralla S.A. 

Corona Lisboa, José Luis. (2018). Qualitative research: epistemological, theoretical and methodological foundations. Vivat Academia, Num. 144, pp. 69-76. 

Creswell, John. (1994). Qualitative inquiry and research design. Choosing among five traditions. Academia UTP in 

Fernández Riquelme, Sergio. (2017). Si las piedras hablaran. Metodología cualitativa de investigación en Ciencias Sociales. Revista La razón histórica, no. 37, 4-30. ISSN 1989-2659.

Further references in English available upon request from the HGGS.

Prof. Blanco García graduated in Psychology in 2014 from the Faculty of Psychology, University of Havana. She obtained her Master's Degree in Work and Organisational Psychology in 2017 and her PhD in Psychology in 2021 from the University of Havana. Since 2023 she has been ranked as Assistant Researcher in this faculty and works as a lecturer in the discipline of Organisational Psychology. She has participated in a number of national and international events with the research results of her research lines: Leadership and Management, Empowerment, Emotion Management, Environmental Psychology. She is a member of the Cuban Society of Psychology and has taught national and international postgraduate courses. Prof. Blanco García has over 20 publications in high impact journals to her name. She collaborates with international projects with her line of research and participates in 11 institutional projects.