Academic Programme HGGS Faculty Courses


Professors of the six HGGS faculties regularly offer compact courses and workshops as part of the HGGS programme; they also open the seminars, lectures, workshops and research colloquia listed below to members of our Graduate School. Interested HGGS members can thus experience the full range of interdisciplinary expert teaching at Heidelberg University and broaden their own horizons as early career researchers. 

Details of HGGS courses and workshops will be shared through the newsletter. The faculty courses listed below can be found on heiCO. In order to find courses and registration procedures in heiCO, please search for the title or for the last name of the lecturer without entering the academic title.


Empathy, group identity, and the mechanisms of exclusion

Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Fuchs

HGGS Workshop, 19 May 2025: 1 - 6 pm (tbc.)

Contact the HGGS for course details and to register.

How do we imagine the future(s)?

Prof. Dr. Thomas Meier

HGGS Workshop, June/July (tbc.)

Contact the HGGS for course details and to register.

Aging Society

Prof. Dr. Harald Fuess & Colleagues from  EHESS Paris and Kyoto University

HGGS Workshop and Conference in Collaboration with EHESS Paris and Kyoto University, 17 - 19 July 2025 

Contact the HGGS for course details and to register.


„Künstliche Intelligenz“ als Thema der Ethik

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Moos

Seminar, Mo., 14-16 

Religionspsychologie – Interdisziplinäre Einblicke in die innere Welt

Prof. Dr. Annette Haußmann

Seminar: Di 11-13

Die Theologie des Apostels Paulus

Prof. Dr. Dr. Matthias Becker

Vorlesung; Tuesday 9–11

Epikureische Philosophie und Neues Testament

Prof. Dr. Dr. Matthias Becker

Oberseminar; Thursday 14–16

Bernhard Waldenfels, Bruchlinien der Erfahrung

Prof. Dr. Philipp Stoellger

Hauptseminar, Do 18-20

Einführung in die Religionswissenschaft 

Prof. Dr. Michael Bergunder

Seminar, Di, 16-18

Ostern predigen 

Prof. Dr. Fritz Lienhard

Seminar, Tag/Zeit in heiCO 


Verstehen? Verfremden? Erweitern? Biblische Texte und Motive in der neueren deutschsprachigen Literatur

Prof. Dr. Hanna Liss, Prof. Dr. Andrea Albrecht

Seminar: Mittwoch 11-13 Uhr

Hochschule für Jüdische Studien, Raum S4

English Linguistics – Methodological and Theoretical Challenges

Prof. Dr. Daniela Landert
Research Colloquium

Tuesdays, 16:15 – 17:45 (15.04. to 22.07.2025)

English Department, Room 222001112



Wird demnächst angekündigt


Global and Transnational Sociology

Prof. Dr. Matthias Koenig

Seminar, day/time in heiCO 


Rechtshistorisches Kolloquium 

Prof. Dr. Christian Hattenhauer

Kolloquium, geblockt und online an drei Freitagnachmittagen 


Künstliche Intelligenz in der Lehre


Thinking AI: Bringing together ethical, legal and social aspects of AI

Sorbonne University, Paris


Applied AI - Education - Practice – Reflection

Different lecturers from Heidelberg and Partner Universities

Workshops and lectures