Doctoral Candidate Marcus B. Hausner
Marcus B. Hausner MA, consultant and consulting scientist, supports medium-sized companies and organizations in the public and healthcare sectors. He is a cooperation partner of the consulting firm “Die Unternehmenslotsen” [link:] with a focus on cooperative corporate and employee management. His complementary consulting approach combines insights from recent systems theories of synergetics as well as complexity and chaos research with experience-saturated know-how from more than 15 years of consulting work.
Studied business administration in Stuttgart and consulting science in Heidelberg. Since 2021, he has been researching and teaching part-time at the Institute for Educational Science at the University of Heidelberg on questions of complexity competence of managers in organizations and is doing his doctorate on “Complexity Competence” under Prof. em. Dr. Christiane Schiersmann.
He cooperates with national and international research networks for applied systems and complexity theories, such as the
- Forum für Komplexität und Selbstorganisation in der Beratung (Prof. em. Dr. Christiane Schiersmann) Universität Heidelberg
- Institut für Synergetik und Psychotherapieforschung (Prof. Dr. Günter Schiepek) PMU Salzburg
- complexity research (PD Dr. Dr. Guido Strunk) Wien
- Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences Pewaukee USA
- Kyushu Institute of Technology (Prof. Chikko Ooosawa), Fukuoka Japan

- Hausner, Marcus B. & Schiepek, Günter. (2024). Coaching einer Führungskraft im Ma-nagement. In Günter Schiepek, Bettina Siebert-Bläsing & Marcus B. Hausner (Hrsg.), Systemische Fallkonzeption. Idiographische Systemmodellierung und personalisierte Prozessgestaltung (Systemische Praxis). Göttingen: Hogrefe Verlag.
- Schiersmann, Christiane; Hausner, Marcus B. (2024): Komplexitätsorientierte Kollegiale Beratung. Ein Reflexionsformat für Beratende. In: dvb forum 63 (1), S. 40–46.
- Schiersmann, Christiane & Hausner, Marcus B. (2023). Kollegiale Beratung. Komplexe Situationen gemeinsam meistern (1. Aufl.). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
- Strunk, Guido, Hausner, Marcus B., Poimer, André M. & Seliger, Marcel. (2022). Ambiguität der VUKA-Welt. Zeitschrift für Systemische Therapie und Beratung 40 (3), 91–98.