Doctoral Candidate Eva Marie Heimers

Eva Marie Heimers studied Medieval Latin Philology and English Literature in Erlangen and Canterbury. She completed her Master's degree in English Literature at the University of Heidelberg with a thesis on the modern Irish novel using the example of Sally Rooney's works. Building on her Master's thesis in Medieval Studies at Trinity College Dublin on women's ideas of the afterlife in the Middle Ages, she is now doing her PhD in Medieval Latin Philology as part of a cotutelle programme between the EHESS in Paris and Heidelberg University. She is working on (new) editions of the lives and visions of three holy women in contemporary France and Belgium. She is particularly interested in contemporary notions of female sanctity and the afterlife. The work is provisionally entitled ‘Zwischen den Welten - Die Visionen der Aldegund, Waldtraud und Sadalberga. Critical edition, translation, commentary - a linguistic and literary-historical study of the visions of the afterlife of early medieval female seers’. When she's not delving into research on the early Middle Ages, she enjoys reading Irish literature, making music and socialising with friends.

Supervisor Heidelberg: Tino Licht, Institute for Medieval and Modern Latin Philology

Supervisor Paris: Sylvain Piron, CRH Centre de recherches historiques

Eva Marie Heimers