Doctoral Candidate Carlos Fabris
Carlos Fabris is a doctoral student at the Max Weber Institute for Sociology in the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences and a member of the Heidelberg Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (HGGS).
He holds a bachelor’s degree in social sciences and a master’s degree in Sociology both from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre, Brazil. In addition to his work as a research assistant in various empirical research groups, he developed his theses in the field of social theory, focusing primarily on the works of classical sociological authors. In Brazil, he is a member of the Brazilian Center for Durkheimian Studies and a founding member of the Metamorphoses of Sociology group, which discusses and collectively works on the updating and current state of social theory.
In his dissertation project, Carlos deals with the concept of value in classical theory and compares the formulations of Weber, Parsons and Habermas on this concept as well as the current discussions on this topic. His interest lies in the theoretical transformations of the concept throughout the history of sociology, as represented by the three authors, and in clarifying the various dimensions of this widely used and rarely clarified concept. His doctoral project is being supervised by Prof. Dr. Thomas Schwinn of the MWI.