Doctoral Candidate Milena Dietz
Milena Dietz is a doctoral student at the Faculty of Law of Heidelberg University under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ekkehart Reimer. Her dissertation topic is "Historical paths to the standardisation of corporate taxes. A comparative analysis of German, South Slavic and European law" and contains interdisciplinary references to history, economics and political sciences. It is funded by a doctoral scholarship from Cusanuswerk e.V. Since November 2022, Milena Dietz has been a member of the Heidelberg Graduate School for the Humanities and Social Sciences and in this role, she was co-organiser of the conference on "Agency in Time" which took place in Heidelberg in September 2023. As part of her doctorate, she has completed research stays at the Serbian National Library in Belgrade and at the German Federal Archives in Berlin. She has also taken part in conferences on comparative, European and international tax law in Heidelberg, Ferrara, Budapest, Bergamo, Vienna and Leuven.
Her research focuses on national and international tax law and financial constitutional law, as well as comparative public law. In these areas, she has published articles in several German and Italian journals and volumes, such as "Internationales Steuerrecht", "Rivista di Diritto Tributario Internazionale" and "Heidelberger Beiträge zum Finanz- und Steuerrecht".
In addition to her doctorate, Milena Dietz works as a research assistant at the chair of Prof. Dr. Ekkehart Reimer (Institute for Public Finance and Tax Law). There she regularly gives tutorials in public law, which prepares students for their first state examination, and coaches students in their participation in the International and European Tax Moot Court in Leuven, Belgium.
Before starting her doctorate, Milena Dietz studied law at the University of Heidelberg, specialising in tax law. She also spent a semester abroad at the University of Bologna.