HGGS Summer Forum 2024 Bridges and Crossings
The HGGS hosted an academic forum on 14th June 2024 at the Institute of Medical Psychology auditorium, with a focus on interdisciplinary research and discussions around the topic of “Bridges and Crossings”, around 60 participants from six different faculties came together for presentations on “Bridges” and “Crossings” from different disciplinary perspectives.Dr. Marta Fanasca University of Bologna, Italy delivered the keynote lecture titled "Crossing Gender Boundaries: Danso and Identity Performance in Contemporary Japan".The day-long conference comprised three panel sessions chaired by HGGS members and doctoral scholars from various universities in Germany and abroad. The organizers also printed a zine, a creative collection of texts and images. This year HGGS continues novel presentation formats. Some of the candidates presented their research in short video clips. The conference ended with a superdelicious dinner and great memories.