Jahrestagung Celebrating 15 years of academic exchange across disciplinary boundaries

The Heidelberg Graduate School for the Humanities and Social Sciences (HGGS) celebrated its 15th anniversary at the Winter Forum 2023.

The keynote lecture ''Deeper Learning: Becoming competent through applying 21st century skills in knowledge-rich hybrid learning environments'' was given by Prof. Dr. Anne Sliwka. At the event, which took place at the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences, new doctoral members of the HGGS also presented their interdisciplinary doctoral projects. After the keynote lecture, new doctoral members presented their dissertation projects. The interdisciplinary research topics were as diverse as the group itself and ranged from “Increasing Marginalized Students´ Legal Literacy in South Korea and in Germany”, to the “El Dorado Myth in Venezuela”, the Bolivian solidarity principle “Pasanaku” in Europe, the Future of City Planning and Innovation in rural areas, to “judging and deciding under physiological pressure”, and to “long-term behavioural change in older adults”, to name only a few examples. The doctoral projects span time and place and will redefine how we look at specific contexts from an interdisciplinary perspective. The presentations were followed by extensive discussions and the evening ended with a social get-together at the Academy of Sciences.
